Mick's Creepy Crawlies & Freaky Figurines

About my business

Welcome to Mick's Creepy Crawlies & Freaky Figurines.

I pride myself in my knowledge and experience gained over years with Invertebrates and fresh water aquarium fish.

In terms of my livestock, I carry the best products available at very competitive prices.

In the Invertebrate range we stock: scorpions, tarantulas, funnel-webs, trapdoor spiders, golden orb spiders, giant water spiders, centipedes, etc.

In the Fresh Water Aquarium range we stock: goldfish, siamese fighting fish, discus, axolotl walking fish, swordtails, molies, platties, neon tetras, etc.

A good range of supplies and accessories is available at all times: enclosures, substrates, water dishes, hide holes, heat mats and heat cords, live food for Invertebrates, etc.

My aquarium products include: fish tanks, aquarium heaters and lights, water conditioners and filters, air-pumps, air lines, backgrounds, just to name a few of our stocked items.

My latest obsession is my growing collection of freaky, quirky, realistic figurines made from good quality, long-lasting materials.

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